In a place without space in a space
without time the spirit of all we call music peered into the temporal
reality of a planet called earth. The spirit communed in the moment
that is eternity with feng, the wind, lam, the mountain, shui,
the water and they danced with Gaia the mother of the planet who
keeps with her heart all nature in balance.
As all things temporal progress in
a linear fashion there came upon the world a species that called
themselves "humans". In their quest for fire and shelter
from the frost this species built their fires larger and larger
until they threatened all who danced with the spirit of music.
It was then that the spirit who had
only felt finally spoke and said, "The music must play!"
The words echoed out from the nebula
of the spirit and rippled across space into the galactic cluster
of m-31. On a planet near the edge of that cluster alone on a
hillside a young man was meditating, and the ripple of the spirit's
words touched him. At once he was one with the spirit and knew
he must travel. Putting on his hat and coat the spirit opened
a path and a doorway appeared and Dave knowing he must stepped
through it.
As he stepped through the portal words
echoed in his mind, "seek out the one called Wayne for he
has gathered together a tribe of brothers and sisters who, unbeknownst
to them, are shaman in my name which is music". "I have
endowed the one called Wayne with a special gift as I have with
you and together you will make my music under a name which you
will know upon your arrival".
After he had stepped through the portal
Dave turned and looked back in the direction he had came and saw
a pyramid of solid granite that had been the open door to this
world. Instantly he heard the words "Stone Pyramid"
echo in his soul and he knew the name of the band the spirit had
bidden him to form.