![]() |
Hi Alice, Thanks for the lowdown on the neat new stuff!
I just wanted to give you a testimonial on the "Victoria"
pansies I bought at Funke's a couple of weeks ago. They were not
in bloom, but the large leaf looked interesting and the tag info
was enticing. They are
blooming now and are outstanding! Ruffled leaves and muted colors
great with the big green leaves. I stopped back last weekend to
pick up
a few more. Most are gone, but there are still a few along the
side of the greenhouse. See you soon! CM
What a beautiful and memorable e mail. The images of the
boy laughing, the
talks with various customers, the old dog, the
horticulture student, the red-haired optimist 20 years ago --
all those
things stay in my mind. I wish you wrote the gardening column
for the
newspaper! I'm going to come plant shopping and will tell all
my friends to
hurry over to Funkes. Claudia Reilly
thanks for all the tips
I also just wanted to let you know that I usually shop by
myself..without my boys because I like to browse and look and
enjoy all
the plants before I decide but one Sunday we were close to the
store. I
could not resist stopping and they said okay I could stop. I even
one more boy with me for a total of 2 teenagers and one 8 year
Well they loved the place and just went all over....even
to parts I
have never been. Thanks for a great shopping experience for all
of us!
I bought two of the huge geraniums that day while they petted
Thanks... Valencia Brown
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 16:51:37 EDT
Happy to hear Funkes is here to stay. Family owned and working
companies are hard to come by. Decisions are hard to make. I have
always been pleased with your quality of merchandise and the helpfulness
of you and your staff.Congratulations and best wishes for Great
Gardening. I appreciate all your educational tidbits too.
Mary Lou Aufmann
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 01:23:54 -0400
> > i am so glad to hear that you are staying in business.
you are a
> > rare find! great people who know about what they are
selling and
> > great prices. i moved to cincinnati 8 years ago and
only found out
> > about you last year. try more advertising to get the
word out. i
> > tell people about you any chance i get. you really do
a service for
> > those of us who are passionate about flowers. thanks
On Thu, 22 May 2003 11:27:45 -0400, Mary Ellen Wilson wrote
>> What a neat adventure? I felt I was in the truck with
you and I was
>> definitely looking around the "springing" gardens.
>> Your spirit is inspiring.
>> Hope you have a good Memorial Day weekend.
>>I was privileged to spend time in Sussex,
England in the late 80s. The gardens in Spring with the wonderful
cottages are breath taking. I am always looking for the sights
sniffing for the smells here. You brought me to that place. Thank
Alice -
I smile as I read your story....
enjoying the richness of life as you share it.
Thanks - always.
Loveland is too far from you!!
but I will get down there - probably in late June.
I'm heading off to Maine (talk about far!)
for my daughter's graduation.
You are a dear soul -
keep writing
and gardening
and sharing.
Dear "Al"
First, let me say I am glad you are able to keep Funke's open for people who love to garden.
I am always so touched by your e-mail stories. Although I am not one of your regular shoppers I try to get down there 2-3 times a year. I hardly have time for gardening anymore but was once an avid gardener. I found it gave me a sense of connectedness to nature and Spirit.
keep up all the good work. i am still spreading the word
about funkes.
will definitely tell our school about using you for all gardening
needs and
the fund raiser idea with poinsettas was brillant. you are a real
Just wanted to write a quick note to say "Thank You"!
We were down on Saturday looking at the trees and decided
on the Balsam Fir
after much discussion about how full and tall it was.
We are very pleased. It has opened up nicely and is one
of the most beautiful
trees we have had.
Thanks for not letting us leave empty handed!
Jennifer Schmidt
Hey, Al
Just wanted to say thankyou for the enlightening history
about Funke's
and the surrounding area.......gives a whole new perspective on
farm and Cincinnati. I will do my best to continue to support
beautiful nursery, which is still one of the few places in the
where a gardener can become lost and inspired at the same time.
again, I cannot thank you enough for that.
Michael C. Couch
All attachments
Dear AL
I woke up and could not sleep and decided to turn on the puter..
What a wonderful bit of history I have found here waiting
for me.
I have reread this twice and will print it out for my son Tom
to read and he will enjoy it greatly. To think that my grandpa
Reinert was a huckster at Findley market makes me now know why
he was the generation that started with your family. He raised
tomatoes in the back yard in Norwood where my family had settled
and where my Dad was born and raised and he helped his Dad at
the market . My Mom and Dad settled on the same street in Norwood
where we were raised and we came to Funke's for all of the veggie
and plants and where I had brought my children to buy all of my
flowers and we bought veggies at Kettlers all of their lives...
funny how we were tied into coming to your family's farm and to
think Tom worked for your family and now I have brought his daughter
to your family's business.. my what a small world.
Tom and his wife have had a rough few months with little
She had been sick around the holidays and was waiting for a feeding
tube surgery as she has been a hard child to feed, when she was
ill it put her in the hospital for a whole week and Tom and Tina
were also sick like most people were at that time and were not
permitted to stay with her while she was in Childrens Hospital..
go good ole Nanna stayed the whole time with her 24/7 and we if
not bounded by now sure did then.. came her to our home in Parkview
Hgts as mom and dad were not well yet themselves . She was able
to get well and so did mom and dad in time for the scheduled surgery
on the 6th of Jan.. and they all moved in here for the duration
of recouperation as they were not comfortable with the feeding
tube and being by themselves . We all hunkerdown for all the cold
and bad weather and we all learned how to care for Olivia.. so
now Nanna and Pappa and Mom and Dad have learned how to care for
her and all were comfortable with her. What a time of it we had
but - they all moved home this weekend and we all were still talking
to each other and Olivia is thriving and that was our main goal..
what a few weeks we have had.
So to read your history lesson this early Sunday morning has made me appreciate family and how we all have come to know each other.. Wonderful reading and sharing you have done and now know a bit more of our family history also..
Am sure you're are proud of your family and it roots.. I sure am for your family.
Olivia and I will be back this spring and perhaps you wont know her to see her as by then she might be a healthy little girl who will just win your heart to look at her..
Enjoy the rest of the winter and prepare for a good season
In friendship and love Marty Lamb aka "Nanna"
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 14:36:26 -0800 (PST), Melanie Newstate
> Hello Al!
> I just had to tell you how fascinating your family history
> was. I always enjoy your newsletters, but this one was exceptional.
> It really makes you appreciate how easy we have it today,
> to our ancestors. I'll be stopping by soon! Melanie
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 13:13:19 -0400 Download RE: Email
specials and cicada update :).msg
From: "Amy Finnegan"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: RE: Email specials and cicada update :) All headers
I came in Sunday and bought a flat of impatiens and a bag of your
potting mix, it is by far the best potting mix I have ever used.
I love it and have been recommending it to everyone. My impatiens
are doing great and I planted the moonflower you showed me. I
forgot to tell you Sunday that last fall I bought from you tulip
bulbs and they came up beautiful this year. I am hooked, I am
buying all my flowers and plants from Funke's. Thank you very
Amy Finnegan
College Hill
Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 20:22:54 EDT Download Re: Email specials
and cicada update :).msg
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Email specials and cicada update :) All headers
All attachments
Greetings, Al! Thanks, as always, for the great info. We at the
nursery on Tuesday and found everything we were looking for.......including
the beautiful fuchsia that we bought last year. Looked as though
the Gartenmeister was just about gone......glad we didn't wait
to shop! Your impatiens are beautiful and we appreciated the good
sale! I'm sure we'll be back in for more plants once we get all
of these planted and see what else we will need. Have a great
weekend! D, J & MM Arno
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 07:51:06 -0400
From: Nancy McIntosh t
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Re: upcoming events and specials All headers
Thank you, it brightens my day to recieve this.
Thank you for speaking from your heart, every time.
Thank you for your love of the earth and growing things.
On Thu, 3 Jun 2004 07:51:02 -0400, ariel miller wrote
>> Al, I just wanted to say that coming to Funke' s is spiritually
>> recharging. I look forward to it as a longed-for reward
after a
>> hard work week. Your greenhouse is a garden of peace.
It would be
>> horrible if you went out of business. I am so sorry to
read about
>> the stress and financial worry brought on by the weather
and the
>> phobias. I have just finished putting in roses and hostas
and ferns
>> from the wonderful cicada sale and thank you for those
>> plants, that are part of the restoration of the green
spaces around
>> our old house.
>> Keep the faith! We'll keep coming as long as you are
>> yours,
>> Ariel Miller
RE: Cincinnati's best nursery
I can see why you were given this award. I just had a negative
experience with one of your competitors. I was passing by the
back entrance of Gear's Garden Center in North College Hill. There
was a large dumpster there, and I could see plants and pots in
the top of it. I started rescuing some plants, and a man came
out and asked what I was doing. I told him I didn't want the plants
to die. He said they were already dead or he would be selling
them. He ran me off. It was stuff that was left out all winter
and had weeds growing in them that he didn't want to bother with,
but he would rather throw them away than let someone have them.
Totally opposite from you. I used to buy my tomato plants there,
but no longer. I will travel the extra distance to do my business
with you from now on.
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 20:25:37 +0000
From: Gilbert and Brenda Martin>
To: <info @ funkes.com>
Subject: Your newsletter
Hello Mr. Funke,
Thanks for alerting us to this scam that the person with Blue Ribbon Blooms is doing. It is interesting enough that a friend of my cousin bought some at a garden center in northern KY and she heard the same misimformation.
Gardeners really need a voice for consumers like yours. Keep up the good work. I guess we need an a voice like yours when it comes to uncover such scams.
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 10:30:34 -0400 Download RE: new stock
is in :).msg
From: "Timothy Trachsel"
To: <info @ funkes.com>
Subject: RE: new stock is in :)
Al: My wife and sister in law made the front of my office building
beautiful thanks to your flowers and bushes.
At $500 + in material it was a bargain.... Thanks again for providing
with affordable, great quality growies!
A customer for life,
Timothy G. Trachsel, Principal / Manager ( formerly VP Construction
American Properties)
The T2 Group, LLC
P.s. I have to laugh when I go to that big orange box for paint
or other
construction supplies.... Plant bargains? More like slow death
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 06:14:01 -0800 (PST) Download New
stock just in!.msg
From: Patty Dierker
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: New stock just in! All headers
All attachments
What a breath of FRESH air you are! This is why I always do business
at Funke's; good ol fashioned honesty. Can't go wrong with that.
Also, so glad to hear you are now open on Sunday; rest of the
week is consumed with work and errands on Saturday.
Can't wait to come in and view the new stuff.
Thanks again,
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 22:24:17 -0500 Download Re: New stock
just in! .msg
From: <
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: New stock just in! All headers
I really am glad that there are honest and sincere people like you still in the garden businesses. You are a true American! I think if you ran for political office you could clean up the mess.
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:11:12 -0500 Download Re: info
From: Beverly Hittle
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: info wanted All headers
Great! Thanks for the info & offerings. We are still in the
process of
clearing our backyard a bit. My husband cut down what I called
trees" from the back of the property & now we're just
clearing it. It
will probably be the end of March, beginning of April before we
construct our beds. But, I was planning on stopping in to pick
up some
pansies soon. So, I'll check out the windchime display to look
at the
mulberry. I'm not as concerned about the look of the wood, as
I am
about constructing it & the cost. We are a bit "constructive
Thanks again!
ps--Also a big thanks for your annual Xmas trees & marshmellows!
husband & I have been buying our tree from you for 3-4 years
& now that
we have a little one, it has become a family tradition. Thanks
for that!
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 6:21:54 -0500 Download Re: thanks
a lot .msg
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: thanks a lot All headers
-hi al,--- info <info@funkes.com> wrote:
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait to get my fat little fingers into the soil this spring.
keep the inspirationals coming.
Subject: Re: Bedding plant info :) All headers
All attachments
Thanks for the alert on chemicals etc. used by many of the garden
growers for selling to the public. Because you care about this
and try to be as organic as possible, plus have hardy plants,plus
being a family owned garden center is why I buy from you and urge
others to do likewise.
Our best to your mother for her surgery and recovery.
Mary Lou
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 10:04:24 -0400 Download Newsletter
From: "ArtisTree Studios" Block email artistree@fuse.net
Block SMTP Relay smtp2.fuse.net
Reply-to: <artistree
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Newsletter Praises All headers
All attachments
Hi Al,
Just a note to let you know how much we appreciate your newsletter and all its invaluable info. For instance, my sister bought her impatiens from a national chain store the same day I bought mine from you about two weeks ago. She planted hers the same day I did, which was the day you said it was probably okay to plant them. Mine have doubled and tripled in size in those ten days or so and hers are listlessly snoozing away, possibly dreaming about growing, but not actually DOING anything yet. When she asked my thoughts on why this was going on, I forwarded her your newsletter on growth retardants. Shes now a convert to Funkes. Yea!
Thanks so much!
Wed, 24 May 2006 11:57:21 -0700 (PDT) Download Re: just
in case....msg
From: Patty Dierker
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: just in case... All headers
All attachments
I so appreciate all your little extras; it means so much to those
of us who come in and purchase the regular priced items all the
time. I bought half dozen J&P roses, the old fashioned kind
(I call them cabbage roses) and many annuals.
Again, thanks.
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 08:42:41 -0400
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: A thoughtful "Rant" All headers
All attachments
Dear Al,
Just a note to say thanks for all of the great "gifts" and specials we've enjoyed over the years and to say that I was moved by your discourse on the under-class crisis. I've always felt that some politicians pull the ladder up behind them and some encourage others to use it -- but these folks/politicians are getting fewer and farther between. Exxon is back on our hit list and I thank you for keeping the small business in business--Funke's forever--Best of luck and we'll see you and Helen at the nursery. Glad to hear Helen is surviving the chemo and always good to see her at the counter (I believe she knows my former Mom-in-law, the wonderful Carol Kuhlman from the church across from Spring Grove--she too is a cancer survivor! She recently had a heart attack but is back to work--she a tough cookie with a soft heart.)
Thanks for keeping our gardens growing and our minds expanding!
Cathy Springfield
Director of Theatre Arts
Xavier University
3800 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45207-2122
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:56:40 -0400
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: [SPAM]::e-mail specials :) All headers
All attachments
And you'll be happy to know that I support small business and Funke's in particular. My yard is a veritable Funke's store in and of itself and I get comments from ALL my neighbors and friends on just how beautiful it is....and I tell them I shop at Funke's!!
Your Faithful Funke's Shopper -
Jennifer Schmidt
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 20:30:25 -0400
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: e-mail specials :) All headers
Amen, Al. Keep up the good work. John Batchler
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 01:40:35 -0700 (PDT) Download Re:
e-mail specials :).msg
From: Melanie Newstate
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: e-mail specials :) All headers
All attachments
I enjoyed your rant, Al! I never shop at WalMart, and I agree
that the Exxon Mobile Boycott need to be revived!
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 10:39:12 -0400 Download Landscaping.msg
From: Jan Warren
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Landscaping All headers
Thanks for the wonderful completion of the landscaping at the
steps you
built earlier this summer! I'm so pleased. I will be planting
the rest of
the hostas this weekend. If you'll let me know how much I owe
for this
phase of the project, I can drop off a check on Saturday.
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:09:33 -0500 Download RE: Ornamental
cabbage & Kale special!.msg
From: "Laura Hirshman"
Subject: RE: Ornamental cabbage & Kale special! All headers
All attachments
Hi Al,
I just thought Id drop you another line, this time congratulating you on your good business practice of sending personal emails to us all. First, I want to say that I really appreciate the more upbeat tone of them lately, (though I know you suffer); and secondly; though I hope you already know your emails are appreciated, I feel I ought to say that your letters inspire me to think of things Id like to do in my garden and remind my of things that must be done. They also never let me forget that yours is my favorite nursery! And, though I get tons of emails from other interesting businesses and entertainments, yours is the one email that I never let go unread. There is, often enough, some choice bit of information that I would hate to have missed along with great offers as well. Thanks for all of your efforts.. on the computer and in the soil!
Laura HirshmanDate: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:09:21 -0500 Download
Re: Holiday freebie!.msg
From: "helen thomas"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Re: Holiday freebie! All headers
All attachments
AL, You and your extended family have always made my trips a pleasurable
experience. It is refreshing to be able to ask a question and
know the person you are speaking with is more than qualified to
answer. I was a small business owner for over 16 years in downtown
Cincinnati and I know the sacrifices you make to remain open and
be competitive. I'm sure there are times you wonder if it is all
worth it, but take it from one of your loyal customers, You are
appreciated!!! I wish the best for you and your family and look
forward to seeing you on my next trip.
Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring only good things to
Helen Thomas
Greenhiils, Oh
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 06:09:41 -0800 (PST) Download Re:
Happy new year :).msg
From: Patty Dierker
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Happy new year :) All headers
All attachments
I LOVE your rants! So refreshing in these days of so much political
correctness. "Git er done".
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:29:14 -0500 Download RE: Welcome
From: "Peg Jervis"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: RE: Welcome Sunshine! All headers
All attachments
Beautifully written, I wish I could have said this, well done
and a joy to read. Anxious for Spring and the unfolding of nature.
peg Jervis
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 21:15:01 EST Download Re: Welcome
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Welcome Sunshine! All headers
All attachments
HI Al...
Marty Lamb here..
Had a real hard day today Sat.. and now it is evening and after
reading your email.. I have found some peace in my soul.. thanks
so much for you words tonite.. made me stop to appreaciate my
day and my feelings.. wonderful way to help me put things in perspective..
thanks again..
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 18:17:41 -0400 Download witch hazel.msg
From: "Julie Schlesselman"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: witch hazel All headers
All attachments
Hi Al.
WOW! What a welcomed site - the beautiful little Witch Hazel shrub
I bought from you last fall - during your sale - opened this past
weekend and is simply outstanding! I have never seen so many flowers
on one Witch Hazel before. Thanks for the great plants and bargains.
I look forward to the new planting season.
Julie Schlesselman
Whitewater Valley Community Library District
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:07:53 -0400 Download Fountains
From: Leigh Gaines
Subject: Fountains etc All headers
All attachments
Hey Al,
Just wanted to drop you a note about that funky (pardon
the pun) fountain we bought from you a few weeks back. We absolutely
love it. It makes a lovely sound that offers a quiet backdrop
to the usual neighborhood noise and is really relaxing.
Thanks again. I also enjoy your global musings about the state
of affairs on this planet. It ain't pretty to say the least. But
gardening is one outlet that keeps one from going completely nuts.
We always try to shop with small businesses. Hang in there. We'll
try to spread the word as best we can.
David and Leigh Gaines, Finneytown
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:26:29 -0400 Download Re: back
to "normal"?.msg
From: "Patricia Cordes"
Subject: Re: back to "normal"? All headers
All attachments
Al, I just love your emails ... they're so well written and so
carefully thought out. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I agree
with everything you say. :)
Flower power to us all! Pat Cordes
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 17:29:15 -0400
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: e-mail specials & a kitty story :) All headers
Dear Al,
I don't think we have met but I have to tell you that reading
emails is better than going to any formal service. I love the
way you
share your wisdom with all of us. Thank you for being so open
giving with your thoughts. I appreciate the time it takes to jot
your ideas. You are definitely a ripple on the pond adding to
wave in the ocean.
Thank you.
Barb Hammel
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:55:53 -0700 (PDT) Download Re:
Container vegetables.msg
From: Lora Sweeney
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Container vegetables All headers
All attachments
Just a note to say I love your newsletters! I learn a lot from
them & some I can use - gettin' to old to do extended stuff
anymore. your stock is so much better than other stores - including
some of the hi price spread guys. Funke's is where I buy!
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Just read your email on container
gardening. My mother who is 87 has been having trouble getting
to her garden the past few years to keep it watered. I've been
thinking about putting her tomatoes in pots and you convinced
me to try it this year. Loved the idea of two different tomato
types in the same container and the use of a deep layer of mulch
to hold the moisture in.
Keep your emails coming, I love them.
Kris :)
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 23:29:29 -0400 Download Re: Mother's
day e-mail specials :).msg
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Mother's day e-mail specials :) All headers
Hi Al,
I read your emails, if I read them at all, as the last e-mail of the day. They mostly make me smile. I forward them to my mother in California. Ramblings of the horticultural philosopher, I call them, but so much of the time you're dead on right. Thanks for taking the time to communicate with us. I enjoy the time I take to read them.
Your faithful customer,
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 23:26:32 -0400 Download Glowing testimonial.msg
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Glowing testimonial All headers
Dear Garden Pal Al ---
In your newsletters, you have 'warned' of growth inhibitors used by the plant suppliers to big box stores, which Funke's doesn't use. This past Friday, I drove over and picked up a flat of beautiful mixed impatiens at a fabulous price --- dirt cheap in fact! Saturday, I planted them beneath & around a fountain/birdbath where, by Tuesday morning, flowers were opening and the plants showing obvious, sturdy growth. What a joy!
Thanx for staying stubborn and true to what you know! How rare and wonderful.
You may sign me "Roots Woman"
But you know me as ...
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 17:41:06 -0700 (PDT) Download Re:
Fun Stuff :).msg
From: wanda jones
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Fun Stuff :) All headers
All attachments
thank you al. i shopped with you a few weeks ago as i was in the
market for fruit trees and grape vines. i initially stopped at
the nursery up the street but all of the workers were too busy
to help me. when i asked about their fruit trees one worker pointed
and said, "some are over there and there might be some outside."
i decided to try and find a place that put customer service a
priority. when i stopped at your business, i told the woman at
the front desk what i was in the market for. she immediately radioed
for someone to assist me. in less than 45 seconds, a man met me,
took me to the area and showed me what you had. he did not point
and say "they're over there". he was helpful in answering
my questions, he loaded my trees and grapevines into my car and
reserved my spot in line (you had become very crowded). i will
definitely patronized your business again. thank you for the service.
wanda jones
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 12:46:25 -0400 Download dutchman's
From: "Julie Schlesselman"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: dutchman's pipe All headers
All attachments
Hey Al!
I just had to share my enthusiasm - not many people would understand
but plant lovers will!
Remember the line from the movie "Build it and they will
come" - well PLANT IT AND THEY WILL COME! Last year I bought
four wonderful Dutchman's Pipes (pipevines) from you, because
that is the only food that a Pipevine caterpillar can eat, and
I wanted Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies to visit my garden.
Well the little vines were doing spectacular until that stretch
of awful weather in the beginning of April - the cold and frost
knocked them back to the base. Slowly and surely they have been
recuperating and I checked on them again today and to my surprise
and amazement I found at least a half dozen little Pipevine Swallowtail
caterpillars munching away on the vines of one plant. I can't
wait to see how many are on the other three vines. I have attached
two photos of the little guys.
Needless to say I am a "Funke Junkie"! Where else would
I have gotten these plants - plus all of the milkweed you offered
last year! Thanks for everything - great plants - great specials
- and great architectural yard art!
Julie Schlesselman
Genealogy and Local History Division
Whitewater Valley Community Library District
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 14:11:24 -0700 (PDT) Download Re:
New Website.msg
From: Fay Barry
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: New Website All headers
All attachments
What a Gorgeous website. You have been very busy. Love your emails
and info is quite helpful. We look forward to getting all your
helpful information. Even though we are on the other side of town
, we come quite often and always enjoy it at the store. Keep up
the great work. Thanks.
Sent: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 10:01:28 -0400
Subject: RE: Ancient ruins price update
> My sister lives in a suburb of Memphis Tennessee but
this is home so I always share your e-mails. I forwarded your
info to her regarding the ruins and she is very much interested
in having me purchase a chimney pot for her and bring it down
(good excuse to visit). Would you tell me the price range on your
chimney pots? Shes been looking for a long time without
much luck yours are exactly what shes been looking
for. Thanks for your response and awesome website!! Love the e-mails
keep em coming!
> Susan J. Hale
> Academic Specialist
> Biological Sciences Department
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 13:43:43 -0400 Download your refreshing
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: your refreshing perspective All headers
I am a new customer of your business; I live in Delhi so don't
get to
your area very often. However, my mother Marcy supported your
(and philosophy) for years. She now rests in Springrove Cemetery,
after spending time there one morning I stopped by, looking for
strawberry plants. I'd been to several other places and found
none. You
had them! I signed up for your emails because I'm very interested
in the
architectural treasures you occasionally get in.
I was very pleasantly surprised to see your philosophy about supporting
the smaller businesses so candidly stated. We own Clifton Natural
and my husband Bob and I give a similar speech to anyone open
to it. The
_best_ way we can all have our voices heard about the damage these
corporations are doing is with our dollars. I am appalled at the
people give as justification for shopping at places like WalMart;
usually a price issue. I'd rather pay more and support a family.
got a new customer in Delhi!
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:22:53 -0400 Download Re: Bloomin'
new coneflowers!.msg
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Re: Bloomin' new coneflowers! All headers
All attachments
Thanks for the heads up on the Walmart HM Depot, and etc. devastation
They are also affecting other areas of our life as they scheme
to raise their bottom line. No matter what the results are. Sam
Walton would roll over in his grave, I believe.
From: Kate Mungur
To: info@funkes.com
Sent: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:26:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: August gardening & specails part 3
> Hello Al,
> I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying your
emails - and I did take advantage of your rose special a few weeks
back and bought several bushes, 2 of which have already given
me new blooms.
> Thanks for the thoughtfulness you put into your emails and
into your business. I'll look forward to hearing what you have
to say on growing medicinal plants. It's an interest of mine that
I would like to better explore.
> Take care,
> Kate
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:53:37 -0400 Download Thanks!.msg
From: Marlene Hardman
To: Al Funke <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Thanks! All headers
Hi Al,
Cincinnati has needed an outdoor gardening event weekend
for "real
gardeners". I can see Funke's event getting bigger each hear.
was FUN to linger among plants, artists, and in an "old
greenhouse" (my favorite kind).
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 17:24:49 EST Download Re: 8"
pot poinsettia special!.msg
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: 8" pot poinsettia special! All headers
All attachments
Thanks for great photos.They sure help to visualize your arts
and craft show this past weekend plus all the beautiful poinsettias,Christmas
trees herbs and all. Grandson helped grandma pick out just the
right Frazer Fir Christmas tree this Tuesday. Your workers cut
off the end, bound it up, and got it roped in the trunk for traveling
home.Soaked it in water and got it put up with grandson's help.
It is looking great. I appreciate your crew's helpfulness and
the quality of anything I have purchased at your garden store.
Mary Lou
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:59:13 -0400 Download Re: New life
From: "Anne Sunyak"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Re: New life awaits! All headers
I would like to send a heartfelt thank you for your correspondences
that you send out. Not only are you an awesome scribe, your info
and thoughts make a fascinating read.
Anne Sunyak
Clinical Research Coordinator
Infectious Disease
Cincinnati Children's Medical Center
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:12:11 -0400 Download Thanks!!.msg
From: "Julie Schlesselman"
To: "Funke's Greenhouse" <info@funkes.com>
Subject: Thanks!!
Hey Al -
just a quick thank you for the beautiful early season plants!
My neighbors don't understand why my pansies are soooooo much
bigger and full of more blooms and outstanding color than theirs.
I then have to proceed to tell them that mine did not come from
Cheapo Depot. With your email pansy special of last week, I came
down this past Saturday and bought two more flats - when I got
home and planted the "monsters" they looked like they
had been in the ground for weeks - they are huge and full of flowers
- just gorgeous!!! Plus your variety of pansies are out of this
world. Pansies are some of my favorite flowers, and I can't tell
you enough how much I have enjoyed yours this spring. Thanks for
a great start to the gardening season. A 30 mile drive to Funke's
from Indiana is worth it for the quality items I get!
Thanks - Julie
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 20:55:44 -0400 Download RE: wildflower
From: "Beth S. Warmuth"
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: RE: wildflower id All headers
All attachments
Hi Al,
You are awesome! I found it within a few minutes of checking one
of your website suggestions - it is Baby Blue Eyes - or Nemophilia
thank you, thank you!
I appreciate all you do and share with us! My flowers from your
gardens are beautiful!
Thanks again!
Take care,
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 00:06:46 -0400 Download Re: Gardening
video page added!.msg
From: John Miller
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Gardening video page added! All headers
Al - 410 lineal feet of flower beds loaded with day lilies are
proof that Al's nuggets work. Sell more nuggets!!
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 15:58:26 -0400 Download Re: Gardening
video page added!.msg
From: <sunny70
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Gardening video page added! All headers
I always enjoy your e-mails but the movie was very special. I'm
looking forward to your flower shows. I don't have the back power
to prepare beds. but I sure can plany flowers in my existiong
Thanks so much for coming into my home with your GREAT sense of humor and your appreciationj of things beautiful.
Your Gardening buddy,
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 15:03:50 -0400 Download Re: New easy
bed video now online + specials!.msg
From: <andrea
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: New easy bed video now online + specials! All headers
---- Al Funke <info@funkes.com> wrote:
Wow this e-mail response was fast. Of all the green houses I have
visited, I am most impressed with yours. Your staff is phenomenal,
esp. Sarah. She was extremely helpful even though I didn't buy
anything that day. I was back two days later and had another pleasant
experience with an older woman who was working. I did make a purchase
that day and will be back soon, as I will need lots of support
through my first time landscaping experiences. I will also spread
the word that your prices, selection, quality and customer service
are outstanding! Thanks for the e-mail and have a great day.
Andrea ElAzzouzi
Satisfied Customer
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 12:19:45 -0400 Download RE: New easy
bed video now online + specials!.msg
From: MC Skirving
To: <info@funkes.com>
Subject: RE: New easy bed video now online + specials! All headers
All attachments
Hey Al-love the e-mails, haven't been able to visit due to surgery
in June , restricted from gardening but i will be there soon and
i am certainly looking forward to it-I'm so glad to hear someone
else besides me say planting all summer long-I've always done
it. again, thank you.
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 07:59:15 -0400 Download Re: Your
reply on natural substances.msg
From: Patricia
To: info@funkes.com
Subject: Re: Your reply on naural substances All headers
All attachments
Hey, Al!
Thanks for your great reply to the nurse whose sil died
from illegal
drugs... exactly the right position!
I keep white willow bark around, and not tylenol.... and believe
pot is a lot less dangerous than
alcohol..... in fact, my belief is thal the natural drugs should
legal - and that no one should use them -
once you know you can get that high feeling - relaxed and comfy
- from
meditation, there's no need to
get there with pot or anything else.....
but the synthsized drugs with their side effects.... and
the deaths
each year from all those medications...
Keep it up!
From: "Barb Bunting"
Subject: RE: Great deals on fall clearance items! All headers
All attachments
Just wanted to thank you for all your informative e-mails; sharing your knowledge has made my gardening and landscaping efforts at home easier. I do enjoy hearing you go on about the small business man who gives not only good service, good prices, but good advice. Everything you say really hits home. I am very glad you decided to open for Christmas and hopefully, next season as well. I brag about your nursery and try and send as many customers as possible to your business whenever someone asks me about flowers and plants.
Thanks again for all the bargains and fun reading.
Barbara Bunting
College Hill resident and Hamilton County Park District employee.