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Funke's mission has always been and continues to be:

"To teach an understanding of, and reconnection with, Nature, to and urban/suburban population desperately in need of it through the sales of garden products and services."

Thus my garden gospel of 2009:

"Teach a person to fish, and they're fed for life. Teach them to garden and they can feed the whole neighborhood!"

Al Funke

2016 07 07 A journey into worlds unseen

2016 07 01 Summer specials & some tropical stuff

2016 06 07 Web/Email special on vegetable and flower plants

2016 05 21 Web special on select flowers and heads up on veggie varieties selling out

2016 05 06 What's in store at Funke's

2016 04 23 Happy Earth day! Cilantro Mullein.htm

2016 03 25.htm - Early veg plants, fertilizers, Mole Zap price match special.

2016 03 04.htm - Spring 2016, Kanna, Gotu Kola

04/20/15 - soil improvements and an April walkthrough

04/22/15 - Basic aquaponics and wheatgrass juice

A test of the tumor dissolving properties of wheatgrass juice - One gardener's experience.

04/25/15 - Heirlooms, Hybrids, GMO, What's up with that?